Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Should artists censor themselves for kids essays

Should artists censor themselves for kids essays "I don't ever want everybody to know everything that I'm joking about and serious about. That's the fun with creating and doing music. Eminem has probably been one of the most controversial artists of his time. He is the first white rapper to make it mainstream, (besides the one hit- wonder Vanilla Ice) is a five time Grammy award winner, and has sold millions of records. Ironically enough, Eminem could be considered both the most hated and the most loved rapper of the last 5 years. The controversy surrounding him stems from the lyrical content of his albums containing songs about killing his wife and his mother, insulting other pop stars, and homophobic rants to name a few. Chris Kirkpatrick, you can get your ass kicked Worse than them little Limp Bizkit bastards, And Moby, you can get stomped by Obie, You 36 year old bald headed fag blow me Let go, it's over, nobody listens to techno Eminems justifications for using these hate lyrics boil down to the fact that he is expressing himself as an artist and that there is a parental advisory sticker on his CDs, as he realizes that young kids shouldnt be listening to them. Parents argue that these stickers, which dont allow children under the age of thirteen to purchase the cds, are not enforced properly by retailers, if enforced at all. Why is that Eminems or any other artists responsibility? Technically speaking, the artist is not responsible for the enforcement of these stickers, but maybe they should be. I believe that artists do have a right to their freedom of speech, but if their music is something that is as controversial as Eminems is, they should definitely use their platform as an icon to support the initial purpose behind the parental advisory stickers. In an interview with Rolling Stone Magazine, Eminem responds to the questioning ...

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